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An Arabidopsis mutant with enhanced resistance to powdery mildew.




We have identified an Arabidopsis mutant that displays enhanced disease resistance to the fungus Erysiphe cichoracearum, causal agent of powdery mildew. The edr1 mutant does not constitutively express the pathogenesis-related genes PR-1, BGL2, or PR-5 and thus differs from previously described disease-resistant mutants of Arabidopsis. E. cichoracearum conidia (asexual spores) germinated normally and formed extensive hyphae on edr1 plants, indicating that the initial stages of infection were not inhibited. Production of conidiophores on edr1 plants, however, was <16% of that observed on wild-type Arabidopsis. Reduction in sporulation correlated with a more rapid induction of defense responses. Autofluorescent compounds and callose accumulated in edr1 leaves 3 days after inoculation with E. cichoracearum, and dead mesophyll cells accumulated in edr1 leaves starting 5 days after inoculation. Macroscopic patches of dead cells appeared 6 days after inoculation. This resistance phenotype is similar to that conferred by "late-acting" powdery mildew resistance genes of wheat and barley. The edr1 mutation is recessive and maps to chromosome 1 between molecular markers ATEAT1 and NCC1. We speculate that the edr1 mutation derepresses multiple defense responses, making them more easily induced by virulent pathogens.
机译:我们已经确定了一个拟南芥突变体,该突变体对白粉病的病原体真菌Erysiphe cichoracearum具有增强的抗病能力。 edr1突变体不组成性表达与病程相关的基因PR-1,BGL2或PR-5,因此与先前描述的拟南芥抗病突变体不同。 E. cichoracearum分生孢子(无性孢子)正常发芽并在edr1植物上形成广泛的菌丝,表明感染的初始阶段没有受到抑制。但是,在edr1植物上分生孢子的产量不到在野生型拟南芥中观察到的产量的16%。孢子形成的减少与防御反应的更快诱导相关。接种大肠杆菌后3天,在edr1叶片中积累的自体荧光化合物和call质,在接种5天后开始在edr1叶片中积累的死叶肉细胞。接种后6天出现死细胞的宏观斑点。这种抗性表型与小麦和大麦的“晚效”白粉病抗性基因所赋予的相似。 edr1突变是隐性的,并映射到分子标记ATEAT1和NCC1之间的1号染色体。我们推测edr1突变会抑制多种防御反应,使它们更容易被有毒的病原体诱导。



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