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Hypoxanthine-guanine phosophoribosyltransferase (HPRT) deficiency: Lesch-Nyhan syndrome




Deficiency of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) activity is an inborn error of purine metabolism associated with uric acid overproduction and a continuum spectrum of neurological manifestations depending on the degree of the enzymatic deficiency. The prevalence is estimated at 1/380,000 live births in Canada, and 1/235,000 live births in Spain. Uric acid overproduction is present inall HPRT-deficient patients and is associated with lithiasis and gout. Neurological manifestations include severe action dystonia, choreoathetosis, ballismus, cognitive and attention deficit, and self-injurious behaviour. The most severe forms are known as Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (patients are normal at birth and diagnosis can be accomplished when psychomotor delay becomes apparent). Partial HPRT-deficient patients present these symptoms with a different intensity, and in the least severe forms symptoms may be unapparent. Megaloblastic anaemia is also associated with the disease. Inheritance of HPRT deficiency is X-linked recessive, thus males are generally affected and heterozygous female are carriers (usually asymptomatic). Human HPRT is encoded by a single structural gene on the long arm of the X chromosome at Xq26. To date, more than 300 disease-associated mutations in the HPRT1 gene have been identified. The diagnosis is based on clinical and biochemical findings (hyperuricemia and hyperuricosuria associated with psychomotor delay), and enzymatic (HPRT activity determination in haemolysate, intact erythrocytes or fibroblasts) and molecular tests. Molecular diagnosis allows faster and more accurate carrier and prenatal diagnosis. Prenatal diagnosis can be performed with amniotic cells obtained by amniocentesis at about 15–18 weeks' gestation, or chorionic villus cells obtained at about 10–12 weeks' gestation. Uric acid overproduction can be managed by allopurinol treatment. Doses must be carefully adjusted to avoid xanthine lithiasis. The lack of precise understanding of the neurological dysfunction has precluded development of useful therapies. Spasticity, when present, and dystonia can be managed with benzodiazepines and gamma-aminobutyric acid inhibitors such as baclofen. Physical rehabilitation, including management of dysarthria and dysphagia, special devices to enable hand control, appropriate walking aids, and a programme of posture management to prevent deformities are recommended. Self-injurious behaviour must be managed by a combination of physical restraints, behavioural and pharmaceutical treatments.
机译:次黄嘌呤-鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖基转移酶(HPRT)活性的缺乏是嘌呤代谢的先天性错误,与尿酸过量生产有关,并且取决于酶缺乏程度,神经系统表现的连续谱也存在。在加拿大,患病率估计为1 / 380,000,而在西班牙,患病率为1 / 235,000。所有HPRT缺陷患者均存在尿酸超量生产,并与结石症和痛风有关。神经系统表现包括严重的肌张力障碍,舞蹈性运动症,弹道疾病,认知和注意力缺陷以及自残行为。最严重的形式称为Lesch-Nyhan综合征(患者出生时是正常的,只要出现精神运动延迟,就可以完成诊断)。部分HPRT缺乏症患者以不同的强度出现这些症状,并且以最不严重的形式出现的症状可能不明显。巨幼细胞性贫血也与该疾病有关。 HPRT缺乏症的遗传是X连锁隐性遗传的,因此男性通常受到感染,而杂合的女性则是携带者(通常无症状)。人HPRT由Xq26的X染色体长臂上的单个结构基因编码。迄今为止,已经鉴定出HPRT1基因中超过300种与疾病相关的突变。诊断的依据是临床和生化检查结果(与精神运动延迟有关的高尿酸血症和尿酸尿过多),酶促检查(溶血产物,完整红细胞或成纤维细胞中的HPRT活性测定)和分子检测。分子诊断可以更快,更准确地进行载体和产前诊断。可以通过妊娠约15-18周通过羊膜穿刺术获得的羊膜细胞或妊娠约10-12周获得的绒毛膜绒毛细胞进行产前诊断。尿酸过量生产可以通过别嘌呤醇处理来解决。剂量必须仔细调整,以避免黄嘌呤结石。缺乏对神经功能障碍的精确了解,阻碍了有用疗法的发展。如果存在痉挛和肌张力障碍,可用苯二氮卓类药物和γ-氨基丁酸抑制剂(如巴氯芬)来治疗。建议进行身体康复,包括处理构音障碍和吞咽困难,可以进行手部控制的专用设备,合适的助行器以及防止畸形的姿势管理程序。必须通过身体约束,行为和药物治疗的组合来管理自残行为。



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