首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Neuroradiology Journal >Fetal development of the corpus callosum: Insights from a 3T DTI and tractography study in a patient with segmental callosal agenesis

Fetal development of the corpus callosum: Insights from a 3T DTI and tractography study in a patient with segmental callosal agenesis

机译:call体的胎儿发育:3T DTI和超声检查对节段性gene发育不全患者的见解



Commissural embryology mechanisms are not yet completely understood. The study and comprehension of callosal dysgenesis can provide remarkable insights into embryonic or fetal commissural development. The diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) technique allows the in vivo analyses of the white-matter microstructure and is a valid tool to clarify the disturbances of brain connections in patients with dysgenesis of the corpus callosum (CC). The segmental callosal agenesis (SCAG) is a rare partial agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC). In a newborn with SCAG the DTI and tractography analyses proved that the CC was made of two separate segments consisting respectively of the ventral part in the genu and body of the CC, connecting the frontal lobes, and the dorsal part in the CC splenium and the attached hippocampal commissure (HC), connecting the parietal lobes and the fornix. These findings support the embryological thesis of a separated origin of the ventral and the dorsal parts of the CC.



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