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Strategies to improve research capacity across European general practice: The views of members of EGPRN and Wonca Europe

机译:提高整个欧洲常规实践研究能力的策略:EGPRN和Wonca Europe成员的观点



>Background: The effectiveness of any national healthcare system is highly correlated with the strength of primary care within that system. A strong research basis is essential for a firm and vibrant primary care system. General practitioners (GPs) are at the centre of most primary care systems. >Objectives: To inform on actions required to increase research capacity in general practice, particularly in low capacity countries, we collected information from the members of the European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) and the European World Organization of Family Doctors (Wonca).>Methods: A qualitative design including eight semi-structured interviews and two discursive workshops were undertaken with members of EGPRN and Wonca Europe. Appreciative inquiry methods were utilized. Krueger’s (1994) framework analysis approach was used to analyse the data.>Results: Research performance in general practice requires improvements in the following areas: visibility of research; knowledge acquisition; mentoring and exchange; networking and research networks; collaboration with industry, authorities and other stakeholders. Research capacity building (RCB) strategies need to be both flexible and financially supported. Leadership and collaboration are crucial.>Conclusion: Members of the GP research community see the clear need for both national and international primary care research networks to facilitate appropriate RCB interventions. These interventions should be multifaceted, responding to needs at different levels and tailored to the context where they are to be implemented.
机译:>背景:任何国家医疗体系的有效性都与该体系中初级保健的实力高度相关。强大的研究基础对于牢固而充满活力的基本医疗体系至关重要。全科医生(GPs)是大多数初级保健系统的核心。 >目标:为了告知在一般实践中,特别是在低能力国家中提高研究能力所需采取的行动,我们从欧洲一般实践研究网络(EGPRN)和欧洲世界组织的成员中收集了信息家庭医生(Wonca)。>方法:与EGPRN和Wonca Europe成员进行了定性设计,包括八次半结构化访谈和两次话语研讨会。赞赏的查询方法被利用。克鲁格(1994)的框架分析方法用于分析数据。>结果:一般实践中的研究绩效需要在以下方面进行改进:知识获取;指导和交流;网络和研究网络;与行业,主管部门和其他利益相关者的合作。研究能力建设(RCB)策略既要灵活又要得到财政支持。领导和协作至关重要。>结论: GP研究社区的成员认为,显然需要国家和国际初级保健研究网络来促进适当的RCB干预。这些干预措施应该是多方面的,可以对不同层次的需求做出响应,并应根据实施环境进行调整。



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