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Electrosurgery and clinical applications of electrosurgical devices in gynecologic procedures




>Background: Electrosurgery is widely used in reproductive related surgeries and technological advancements to improve efficacy and reduce potential complications. However, some reports have indicated lack of sufficient knowledge and training about basic principles and technical aspects of electrosurgery among obstetricians and gynecologists. >Methods: In this paper we present a summary on basic concepts and principles of electrosurgery and review the recent evidence on the use of electrosurgical devices in gynecologic procedures including endometrial ablation, gynecologic malignancies, loop electrode excision procedure (LEEP), and infertility. >Result: Considering the extensive use of these technologies in reproductive related surgeries, procedures including laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and loop procedures further highlights the importance of more detailed training in this field. Gynecologists must learn the basics in more detail and update their knowledge on the growing body of evidence regarding the advancements of these technologies to reduce potential complications and select the most cost-effective treatment options for each patient. >Conclusion: Try to understanding the underlying biophysical principles and more in-depth familiarity with various electrosurgical devices could lead to less complications and optimize evidence-based gynecological practice.
机译:>背景:电外科广泛用于生殖相关的外科手术和技术进步,以提高疗效并减少潜在的并发症。但是,一些报告表明,妇产科医生对电外科的基本原理和技术方面缺乏足够的知识和培训。 >方法:在本文中,我们对电外科的基本概念和原理进行了总结,并回顾了在妇科手术中使用电外科设备的最新证据,包括子宫内膜消融,妇科恶性肿瘤,环形电极切除术(LEEP) )和不孕症。 >结果:考虑到这些技术在生殖相关手术中的广泛应用,包括腹腔镜检查,宫腔镜检查和环行检查在内的程序进一步凸显了在这一领域进行更详细培训的重要性。妇科医生必须更详细地学习基础知识,并在有关这些技术进步的证据不断增加的基础上更新知识,以减少潜在的并发症并为每位患者选择最具成本效益的治疗方案。 >结论:尝试了解基本的生物物理原理,并且对各种电外科设备的更深入了解可以减少并发症,并优化循证妇科实践。



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