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Beta 2 (CD18) and beta 1 (CD29) integrin mechanisms in migration of human polymorphonuclear leucocytes and monocytes through lung fibroblast barriers: shared and distinct mechanisms.

机译:Beta 2(CD18)和beta 1(CD29)整合素在人类多形核白细胞和单核细胞通过肺成纤维细胞屏障迁移中的机制:共享和独特的机制。



Accumulation of leucocytes in inflamed lung tissue and alveolar space involves their migration through vascular endothelium and then lung connective tissue. As a model of this process, we investigated human polymorphonuclear leucocyte (PMNL) and monocyte migration through a biological barrier of human lung fibroblasts (HLF) grown on polycarbonate filters. Very few PMNL (1-2%) or monocytes (3-8%) migrated through the HLF barriers spontaneously. Migration increased to 48-53% of added PMNL and 17-24% of added monocytes, when a C5a chemotactic gradient was present. The monocyte migration induced by C5a was not inhibited by monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to CD18 (beta 2 integrins). This CD18-independent migration was partially inhibited (35%) by mAb to gamma 5 of VLA-5 and completely inhibited by the combination of mAb to gamma 4 of VLA-4 with mAb to VLA-5, in the presence of mAb to CD18. In contrast, PMNL migration across HLF induced by C5a was partially inhibited by mAb to CD18 alone, but even with the addition of mAb to VLA-4, VLA-5 beta 1 and VLA-6, the greatest degree of inhibition was only 60%. Blocking the function of CD18 was not required to observe the inhibition by mAb to VLA-4, although the inhibitory effect of mAb to VLA-5 and VLA-6 alone or in combination was only observed when CD18 mechanisms were also blocked with anti-CD18 mAb. These results demonstrate that (a) both monocytes and PMNL can use either CD11/CD18 (beta 2 integrin) or beta 1 (CD49/CD29) integrins to migrate through HLF barriers; (b) in the case of monocytes, the VLA-4 and VLA-5 integrins account for essentially all the CD11/CD18-independent migration mechanisms; and (c) in contrast to monocytes, PMNL CD18-independent migration is mediated not only by VLA-4 and VLA-5, but also by VLA-6, and up to 40% of the migration appears to be via yet to be defined PMNL surface molecules.
机译:发炎的肺组织和肺泡间隙中白细胞的积累涉及它们通过血管内皮迁移,然后通过肺结缔组织迁移。作为该过程的模型,我们研究了人多形核白细胞(PMNL)和单核细胞通过在聚碳酸酯滤膜上生长的人肺成纤维细胞(HLF)的生物屏障的迁移。很少有PMNL(1-2%)或单核细胞(3-8%)自发地通过HLF屏障迁移。当存在C5a趋化梯度时,迁移增加到添加的PMNL的48-53%和添加的单核细胞的17-24%。 C5a诱导的单核细胞迁移不受CD18(β2整合素)单克隆抗体(mAb)的抑制。在存在mAb到CD18的情况下,mAb向VLA-5的γ5局部抑制(35%)这种CD18无关的迁移,并完全抑制了mAb到VLA-5的mAb至VLA-4的γ4的结合。 。相比之下,由C5a诱导的PMNL在HLF上的迁移部分被mAb单独抑制到CD18,但是即使将mAb添加到VLA-4,VLA-5 beta 1和VLA-6,最大抑制程度也只有60% 。观察到mAb对VLA-4的抑制作用并不需要阻断CD18的功能,尽管仅当CD18机制也被抗CD18阻断时,才能观察到mAb对VLA-5和VLA-6的抑制作用。单抗这些结果表明:(a)单核细胞和PMNL均可使用CD11 / CD18(β2整合素)或β1(CD49 / CD29)整合素通过HLF屏障迁移。 (b)就单核细胞而言,VLA-4和VLA-5整合素基本上是所有不依赖CD11 / CD18的迁移机制; (c)与单核细胞相反,PMNL CD18无关的迁移不仅由VLA-4和VLA-5介导,而且还由VLA-6介导,高达40%的迁移似乎是通过尚待确定的PMNL表面分子。


  • 期刊名称 Immunology
  • 作者

    X Z Shang; A C Issekutz;

  • 作者单位
  • 年(卷),期 1997(92),4
  • 年度 1997
  • 页码 527–535
  • 总页数 9
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种
  • 中图分类 免疫学;
  • 关键词


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