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Effect of Extraction Conditions on the Antioxidant Activity of Olive Wood Extracts




An investigation to optimize the extraction yield and the radical scavenging activity from the agricultural by-product olive tree wood (Olea europaea L., cultivar Picual) using six different extraction protocols was carried out. Four olive wood samples from different geographical origin, and harvesting time have been used for comparison purposes. Among the fifty olive wood extracts obtained in this study, the most active ones were those prepared with ethyl acetate, either through direct extraction or by successive liquid-liquid partitioning procedures, the main components being the secoiridoids oleuropein and ligustroside. An acid hydrolysis pretreatment of olive wood samples before extractions did not improve the results. In the course of this study, two compounds were isolated from the ethanolic extracts of olive wood collected during the olives' harvesting season and identified as (7′′R)-7′′-ethoxyoleuropein (>1) and (7′′S)-7′′-ethoxyoleuropein (>2).
机译:使用六种不同的提取方案进行了研究,以优化农副产物橄榄木(Olea europaea L.,栽培品种Picual)的提取产量和自由基清除活性。为了比较起见,使用了来自不同地理来源和收获时间的四个橄榄木样品。在这项研究中获得的五十种橄榄木提取物中,活性最高的是用乙酸乙酯通过直接提取或通过连续的液-液分配程序制备的那些,主要成分是类茄形油类橄榄苦苷和豆蔻甙。提取前对橄榄木样品进行酸水解预处理不能改善结果。在本研究过程中,从橄榄收获季节收集的橄榄木乙醇提取物中分离出两种化合物,并将其鉴定为(7''R)-7''-乙氧基油苷(> 1 )和(7'S)-7''-乙氧基橄榄苦苷(> 2 )。



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