
Recommended Academic Reading




an article by Brian Thoma and colleagues published in 2019 that presents an examination of suicidality disparities among transgender and cisgender adolescents. What I found particularly informative was the presentation of risk among different gender identities—compared to cisgender males, the odds of lifetime suicidal ideation were 5 to 6 times higher among transgender males and transgender females and 3 times higher for adolescents questioning their gender. The odds of lifetime suicide attempts requiring medical care were also higher for transgender males (12 times higher than cis gender males), non-binary adolescents and those currently questioning their gender (7 to 10 times higher than cis gender males). This article provided a good reminder of gender fluidity as gender identity may change over time for some adolescents. At the end of my read, I was left wondering whether our current prevention and intervention strategies account for the gender spectrum and use inclusive language.
机译:Brian Thoma及其同事于2019年发表的一篇文章,介绍了转型和Cisbeent青少年之间的自杀差异。我发现特别提供的是,与Cisbender男性相比,不同的性别身份的风险呈现,终身自杀素的几率较高的血液和变性女性较高的5至6倍,并且青少年对其性别提出质疑的3倍。需要医疗保健的终身自杀企图的几率对于转录性男性(比CIS性别男性高12倍),非二元青少年和目前质疑其性别的人(比CIS性别男性高7至10倍)。本文提供了对性别流动性的良好提醒,因为某些青少年的性别身份可能随着时间的推移而变化。在我的阅读结束时,我留下了想知道我们的目前的预防和干预策略是否占性别频谱和使用包容性语言。



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