首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The British Journal of Venereal Diseases >Comparison of vaginal flora after treatment with a clotrimazole 500 mg vaginal pessary or a fluconazole 150 mg capsule for vaginal candidosis.

Comparison of vaginal flora after treatment with a clotrimazole 500 mg vaginal pessary or a fluconazole 150 mg capsule for vaginal candidosis.

机译:比较使用克霉唑500 mg阴道子宫托或氟康唑150 mg胶囊治疗阴道念珠菌病后阴道菌群的变化。



The effect of antifungal therapy on the vaginal microbial flora was studied in 23 patients suffering from culture-positive, symptomatic vaginal candidosis. They were randomly allocated to receive either a 500 mg clotrimazole vaginal pessary or a 150 mg fluconazole capsule. Quantitative microbiological examination was carried out on samples of vaginal secretions obtained prior, and at intervals up to 10 days after, treatment. No significant difference was found in the vaginal flora before or after therapy in individual patients or between the treatment groups. In patients with C glabrata or C krusei, the yeasts persisted longer in the vagina with poorer response to either of the medications.
机译:在23名患有培养阳性,症状性阴道念珠菌病的患者中研究了抗真菌治疗对阴道微生物菌群的影响。他们被随机分配接受500 mg克霉唑阴道子宫托或150 mg氟康唑胶囊。在治疗之前以及治疗后最多10天的间隔内,对获得的阴道分泌物样本进行了定量微生物学检查。在个别患者或治疗组之间,治疗前后的阴道菌群没有发现明显差异。在光滑的或光滑的患者中,酵母菌在阴道中持续时间更长,对两种药物的反应都较差。



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