首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>American Journal of Public Hygiene >Trends in Risk Perceptions and Vaccination Intentions: A Longitudinal Study of the First Year of the H1N1 Pandemic

Trends in Risk Perceptions and Vaccination Intentions: A Longitudinal Study of the First Year of the H1N1 Pandemic




Objectives. We sought to evaluate longitudinal trends in people’s risk perceptions and vaccination intentions during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic.Methods. We used data from 10 waves of a US national survey focusing on the H1N1 pandemic (administered between May 2009 and January 2010) to conduct a longitudinal analysis of adult respondents’ risk perceptions and vaccination intentions.Results. Self-reported perceived risk of becoming infected with H1N1 paralleled H1N1 activity throughout the pandemic’s first year. However, intention to be vaccinated declined from 50% (May 2009) to 16% (January 2010) among those who remained unvaccinated (27% had been vaccinated by January 2010). Respondents who indicated that they had previously been vaccinated against seasonal influenza reported significantly higher H1N1 vaccination intentions than those who had not been vaccinated (67% vs 26%; P < .001).Conclusions. Reported intention to be vaccinated declined well before vaccine became available and decreased throughout the pandemic year. To the extent that prior vaccination for seasonal influenza vaccination is a strong correlate of H1N1 risk perceptions, encouraging seasonal influenza vaccination may benefit pandemic preparedness efforts.
机译:目标。我们试图评估20​​09年H1N1大流行期间人们的风险认知和疫苗接种意向的纵向趋势。我们使用了针对美国甲型H1N1流感大流行(于2009年5月至2010年1月进行)的10次美国国家调查的数据,对成年受访者的风险感知和疫苗接种意向进行了纵向分析。在大流行的第一年中,自我报告的被认为感染H1N1的风险与H1N1的活动平行。但是,未接种疫苗的人中打算接种疫苗的人从50%(2009年5月)下降到16%(2010年1月)(到2010年1月已经接种了27%)。表示以前曾接种过季节性流感疫苗的受访者表示,其H1N1疫苗接种意向明显高于未接种疫苗的人(67%比26%; P <0.001)。报告的疫苗接种意向很早就下降了,在整个大流行年中有所减少。在一定程度上,以前的季节性流感疫苗接种与H1N1风险感知密切相关,鼓励季节性流感疫苗接种可能有益于大流行的预防工作。



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