首页> 中文期刊>世界中医药 >彭万年教授从气机升降理论运用经方治验举隅




Peng Wannian is professor and PhD supervisor at the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medi-cine,who is engaged in Chinese medicine clinical practice,teaching and scientific research for more than 30 years.He devotes to studying Qihuang’s medical skill,exploring ascending and descending Qi activity theory,following Zhang Zhongjing’s clinical ex-perience with exclusive dialectical precision to obtain good effect.Combining with his clinical experience,the author gained a lot because of his understandings.For promoting the application of the method of Ascending and Descending Qi activity theory,the author tried to share his experience with others.Through the analysis of three cases of treating intractable disease,the author could help the clinical doctors to treat the disease.%彭万年系广州中医药大学教授,博士生导师,从事中医临床、教学、及科研30余载。潜心钻研岐黄医术,探究气机升降之理,临证立方独尊仲景,辨证精准,每获佳效。作者有幸随师诊,获悟颇多,今不揣浅识,就其运用气机升降之法,录其经方验案数则,以飨同道之人。



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