首页> 中文期刊> 《测井技术》 >页岩气岩石物理分析技术及研究进展




页岩储层以纳米级孔隙为主的特性,使得页岩岩石物理基础实验及相关理论模型研究在页岩气储层测井评价中发挥举足轻重的作用,中国在这方面的研究尚处于起步阶段.针对国外尤其是美国近期页岩气勘探开发中涉及的岩石物理实验技术开展了广泛的文献调研,综述了当前国外页岩气岩石物理实验技术及相关理论研究取得的主要进展,探讨了国内外页岩气在上述实验及研究方面存在的主要问题,指出我国页岩气岩石物理测井评价技术的发展方向.该研究有助于了解和借鉴国外相关实验技术和研究方法,提高我国页岩气岩石物理实验分析技术和研究水平,为我国页岩气勘探开发奠定坚实的基础.%Unconventional shale gas has become an important domain of China's oil and gas exploration.Petrophysical experiments and related researches in theoretical model of shale gas have played a pivotal role in logging evaluation due to the nanoscale pore characteristics of shale reservoirs,but domestic research in this area is still in the initial stage.Based on the comprehensive reviews about foreign especially American petrophysical experiment technologies in exploration and development of shale gas,this paper summarizes the major achievements of the current petrophysical experimental techniques and theoretical researches of shale gas in foreign countries,and discusses the main problems existed in the above researches,and also pointes out the development direction of the petrophysical logging evaluation techniques for China's shale gas development.This study will help us to understand and learn from foreign petrophysical experimental techniques and research methods,and thus enhance the level of domestic related technologies for the exploration and development of shale gas in China.



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