首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >地方高校图书馆学科馆员服务现状调查分析—以榆林学院图书馆学科馆员服务为例




从榆林学院图书馆学科馆员服务制度的现状调查分析看出,读者对学科馆员制度知晓度不高,在图书馆资源利用与服务方面有多种诉求,强烈地希望学科馆员为其提供更多的信息服务,反而是学科馆员业务素质参差不齐,工作积极性不高,成了开展学科馆员服务工作瓶颈.为此,提出应从明确学科馆员的角色定位、细化学科服务内容、完善学科馆员服务模式、加强队伍建设不断地提高学科馆员个人素质等方面来提高学科馆员的服务水平.%According to the investigation and analysis on the present subject librarian service situation in Yulin University, the readers do not pay much attention to the subject librarian system. They have demands on the use of library resources and services, and have a strong desire to get more information service from subject librarian. Instead, the quality of subject librarian service is uneven, the working enthusiasm is not high enough, all of which became the bottleneck when improving subject librarian service. The methods of making clear role of subject librarian, refining the content of subject service, improving the service mode of subject librarian and strengthening the team construction to improve librarian personal qualities should be done to imDrovine the service level.



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