首页> 中文期刊> 《铀矿地质》 >赣中变质岩带的矿物化学特征及其P-T轨迹的构造意义




According to the mineral association and characteristicmetamorphic minerals, this paper distinguishes 5 metamorphic zones in the central Jiangxi metamorphic belt, i.e (from low metamorphic to high metamorphic successively) sericite-chlorite zone, biotite zone, almandite zone, staurolite zone and sillimonite zone. The general distribution tendency is progressive form the south to the north. That is to say, the metamorphic degree is characterized by gradual intensification from the younger strata to the older ones in the vertical direction, and is controlled by tectonics. The metamorphic degree is gradually weakening from the center of the regional fault zone outwards, and is commonly accompanied by migmatitization. This paper discusses the evolution characteristics and the tectonic environment of metamorphic rocks.%本文根据矿物组合及特征变质矿物,将赣中变质岩带划分出5条变质带,由低到高依次为绢云母-绿泥石(Ser-Chl)带、黑云母(Bi)带、铁铝榴石(Gt)带、十字石(St)带、矽线石(Sil)带。其分布的总体趋势是由南向北呈渐进分布的特点,即变质地层在纵向上由新到老具有由弱而强的变化趋势,同时受构造的控制。区域断裂带,从断裂中心向两侧变质程度递减,并常伴随混合岩化作用。本文从矿物化学特征及P、T条件计算结果来讨论变质岩的演化特征及形成的构造环境。



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