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New Early Eocene Basal tapiromorph from Southern China and Its Phylogenetic Implications




A new Early Eocene tapiromorph, Meridiolophus expansus gen. et sp. nov., from the Sanshui Basin, Guangdong Province, China, is described and discussed. It is the first reported Eocene mammal from the basin. The new taxon, represented by a left fragmentary mandible, is characterized by an expanded anterior symphyseal region, a long diastema between c1 and p1, a rather short diastema between p1 and p2, smaller premolars relative to molars, an incipient metaconid appressed to the protoconid on p3, a prominent entoconid on p4, molar metaconid not twinned, cristid obliqua extending mesially and slightly lingually from the hypoconid, inclined metalophid and hypolophid, and small hypoconulid on the lower preultimate molars. Meridiolophus is morphologically intermediate between basal Homogalax-like taxa and derived tapiromorphs (such as Heptodon). Phylogenetic analysis indicates Equidae is more closely related to Tapiromorpha than to Palaeotheriidae, although the latter is only represented by a single species Pachynolophus eulaliensis. ‘Isectolophidae’, with exception of Meridiolophus and Karagalax, has the closest affinity with Chalicotherioidea. Furthermore, the majority rule consensus tree shows that Meridiolophus is closer to Karagalax than to any other ‘isectolophid’, and both genera represent stem taxa to crown group Ceratomorpha.
机译:一种新的始新世始新世的锥体虫,Meridiolophusexpansus gen。等。介绍并讨论了来自中国广东省三水盆地的nov。这是该盆地最早报道的始新世哺乳动物。新的分类单元以左下颌骨碎片为特征,其特征是前牙共膜区扩大,c1和p1之间的扩张期较长,p1和p2之间的扩张期较短,相对于臼齿的前磨牙较小,初生的分生肌突贴在原鞘突上在p3上,在p4上有一个突出的对映体,臼齿metaconid不成对,从下胚骨,倾斜的金属生虫和下lo骨向近中和稍舌状地延伸的刚毛斜生肌,在下端最高的臼齿上有小的过丘脑。 Meridiolophus在形态上介于基底Homogalax样的类群和衍生的Tapiromorphs(例如Heptodon)之间。系统发育分析表明,马科与Tap蝶科比与Pala科更密切相关,尽管后者仅由单个物种南美白ach(Pachynolophus eulaliensis)代表。除鞘翅目和卡拉卡拉目外,“昆虫科”与查氏嗜热菌的亲和力最接近。此外,多数规则共识树显示,Meridiolophus比任何其他“ isectolophid”都更靠近Karagalax,并且这两个属都代表了Ceratomorpha冠群的茎类群。



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