首页> 中文期刊> 《大学教育科学》 >“通识是贵”:小学教育本科专业课程体系探析




The undergraduate major for primary education has been in high education system for more than a decade with increasing enhancement of its position and social influence, while the curriculum system is yet to be enriched and standardized. Due to the characteristics of primary education specialty, such as comprehensive, multi discipline and the professional needs of primary school teachers' training, the construction of its curriculum system has to be "general" as the value criterion, and the specialty focuses on cultural knowledge, education and teaching knowledge, and the education of primary school students’ development. At the same time, according to the concept of "general", the specialty needs to be divided into two main directions of liberal and scientific subjects, so as to construct the three pillars of public courses, professional basic courses and specialty-oriented courses, as well as compulsory and elective curriculum system.%小学教育本科专业进入高等教育体系业已10余年,专业地位不断提升,社会影响不断增强,但课程建设还有待成熟与规范。由于小学教育专业的综合性、多学科性等特征以及小学教师培养的职业化需求,其课程体系的建构需要以“通识”作为价值准则,重视通识类大学文化基础知识、教育教学知识、小学生发展知识的教育,同时在“通识”指导下进行适当的学科分向:大文、大理,从而建构起公共课、专业基础课、专业方向课三足鼎立的、必修与选修二者结合的课程体系。



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