首页> 中文期刊>农业机械学报 >车身结构概念设计系统多目标优化模块设计




为了避免汽车车身设计后期的反复修改,开发了车身结构概念设计系统(VCD-ICAE)的多目标优化模块,设计了以车身结构刚度和模态为设计目标的多目标优化算法,可实现在车身质量不增加的前提下提高车身总体结构性能,从而为概念设计阶段实现车身轻量化提供依据,节约时间和成本.最后结合具体车型的概念设计过程,对该车身进行了多目标优化设计,提高了该车身的弯曲刚度、扭转刚度、一阶弯曲频率和一阶扭转频率.验证了多目标优化模块的有效性和正确性.%In order to avoid modifying vehicle body repeatedly in the later design stage, the multi-objective optimization module in vehicle concept design intelligent CAE system ( VCD-ICAE ) was developed. A multi-objective optimization algorithm was designed with the objectives of body structure stiffness and modal. The whole body structure performance could be improved on the premise that mass of body didn't increase. The basis for realization of body lightweight in concept design stage was provided, so the time and cost were economized. Combining concept design process of a concrete body model, the multi-objective optimization was carried on. The bending stiffness, torsion stiffness, first bending frequency and first torsion frequency of body were increased. The validity and correctness of the proposed multi-objective optimization module was verified.



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