首页> 中文期刊> 《唐都学刊》 >冯从吾与邹元标学术交往略论——兼谈关学与心学之互动




Feng Cong -wu and Zou Yuan -biao, in the course of their teaching practice, built up Shoushan Academy and gave lectures together, encouraged each other by filial piety and principles of righteousness, took leading astray people to the tight'track as their mission ; in politics, they were like - minded, fair - mind- ed, dared to offend and persuade the elders and emperors, so both were highly respected; in the academic circle, they exchanged each other' s views, and gained knowledge together, shared the same academic thoughts, so both were well -known as real Confucian scholars. Feng Cong- wu and Zou Yuan -biao' s academic exchanges were typical examples of interaction between Guan School and School of Mind, showing that the scholars from Guan School and Donglin School insisted in righteousness and truth.%冯从吾与邹元标在讲学实践中,共建首善书院,共主讲席,以忠孝大义相劝勉,以挽救正道人心为使命;在政治上,二人志同道合,持正不阿,犯颜直谏,并为世重;在学术上相与切劂,共修学业,学术同一,为名世真儒。冯从吾与邹元标的学术交往,是关学与心学学派之间互动关系的典型范例,表现了关学与东林学派学人坚持正义与真理的精神境界。



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