首页> 中文期刊>唐都学刊 >唐长安大明宫、太极宫三清殿小考




There was a temple called Sanqing Temple in each of Chang' an Darning Palace and Taiji Pal- ace, where there were Emperor Bunyan Temple and Taoist temples, all belonged to Taoist architecture. Besides, inside Chang' an City, there was a Taiqing Palace. What were their relations? What function did each have? In this paper, it is believed that Sanqing Palace once served as a site for Taoist practice exclusively for the emperor, that Emperor Xuanyuan Temple belonged to the royal family, that the Taoist temple was for the use of concubines, maids - in - waiting and eunuchs, and that Taiqing Palace was for nation's offering sacrifices.%唐都长安的大明宫与太极宫内各有一处名叫三清殿的建筑,宫中还有玄元皇帝庙和数处道观,这些均为道教性质的建筑,此外,长安城中还有太清官的建筑,也是一处道教建筑。它们之间的关系如何,各自具有何种功能?笔者认为宫中的三清殿是专供皇帝从事道教活动的场所,玄元皇帝庙则属于皇室家庙的性质,宫中的道观则供宫中其他人员,如嫔妃、宫人和宦官们从事道教活动的场所,至于太清宫乃是进行国家祭祀的场所之一。三清殿的建筑对后世产生了较大的影响。



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