首页> 中文期刊>四川文理学院学报 >和人民共同反思,续文学启蒙精神--关于巴金《随想录》的一点随想




有研究者认为,巴金创作《随想录》是寻求“个人声音”、与国家“主流意识”相剥离。从其创作过程可以看到,这种认识是片面的。因为,《随想录》的写作是对中共中央倡导的思想解放运动的呼应,其思想认识一直伴随着思想解放运动的深入而深化;《随想录》反思的中心是反封建,这也是全国思想解放运动要解决的主要问题;巴金反思历史的目的是党、国家、人民的命运;巴金对某些问题的异议,是个别的、局部的。%It is thought that Ba Jin wrote Random Thoughts for the sake of“individual voice”and against“mainstream ideology of a nation”. In fact, the process of his writing showed the above argument is incorrect. The writing of Random Thoughts followed the ideas' liberation movement advocated by the CPC and the idea of the book was deepened with the prohress of the movement. The reflection of the book was anti-feudalism which was the main problem to be handled by the movement. The intention of his reflection on history was about the fate of CPC, the country and the people though he had different views about some problems, which can be only thought to be partial and special.



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