首页> 中文期刊>地震地质 >2013年4月20日四川芦山Ms7.0地震灾害特点分析




At two past eight a.m.on April 20,2013,an earthquake measured 7.0 in Richter scale,whose focal depth is 13km deep,hit Lushan County (30.3 degrees north,103.0 degrees east)of Yaan City of Sichuan Province and caused 196 deaths.After the quake,China Earthquake Administration declared a first-grade emergency response.Though Lushan County has a larger population than Yushu County,the casualties caused by Lushan earthquake are far fewer than that caused by Yushu earthquake of the same size.The quake-affected area had also been hit by Wenchuan earthquake.After Wenchuan earthquake,most of the damaged houses in Lushan County were reinforced or directly pulled down and thus newly-built buildings make up a high proportion.The seismic performance of the newly-buih rural houses is largely improved due to the various anti-seismic measures.As a result,few of them were totally collapsed in Lushan earthquake,which is the key reason of comparatively fewer casualties.However,the newly-built rural buildings failed to strictly meet the national anti-seismic requirements issued after Wenchuan earthquake,brought heavier damage than it should be.The goal of the first phase of earthquake disaster mitigation is to reduce casualties,and we made it in Lushan earthquake.But the rural buildings with fewer anti-seismic measures for earthquake mitigation were heavily damaged in Lushan earthquake and we still have a lot to do for the goal of property loss reduction.%2013年4月20日8点02分在四川省雅安市芦山县发生7.0级地震,震源深度13.0km,造成了196人死亡,中国地震局启动地震应急一级响应.在芦山地震中,人员伤亡损失远低于同等规模但人口远少于芦山的玉树地震.全部地震灾区都处于汶川地震的老震区,汶川地震震后受损房屋多数采取了加固或拆除措施,新建农村民居普遍采用多种抗震措施,当地新建房屋比例很高,很好地提高了房屋的抗震性能.在地震中,新建民居极少完全倒塌,这是此次地震伤亡较少的重要原因.但是,由于新建民居多数没有严格按照汶川地震后国家下发的抗震设防民居建设要求进行建设,因此破坏依然十分严重.芦山地震人员伤亡少是防震减灾第1阶段减少人员伤亡目标的体现.然而,芦山地震中抗震措施不达标的农居破坏十分严重,防震减灾实现减轻人民财产损失的目标依然任重道远.



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