首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >《老子·道德经》下的托尔斯泰




The Chinese classic, "Tao Te Ching" by Laozi is the first philosophical work in Chinese history. Encountering Laozi while exploring and developing his own thoughts and ideas, Tol-stoy is deeply influenced by the oriental wisdom represented by Laozi. Tolstoy reads and deconstructs the philosophy of Laozi and his research process can be divided into three phases:reading and translation, selective interpretation and the sublimation. Tolstoy's doctrine absorbs the ideas that accord with his own and makes dynamic elaborations on the concepts of "Dao, (the way)" and"Wuwei (inaction)". He absorbs and makes use of the ideas and notions from both the West and the East. Thus, his works embody the thoughts of pluralism of oriental and Russian cultures.%《老子·道德经》是中国哲学思想的开端之作。托尔斯泰在其思想发展的探索过程中与老子不期而遇,老子所代表的东方思想吸引了托尔斯泰。托尔斯泰解构老子思想的过程是通过对《老子·道德经》可分成三个阶段的研读实现的:研读翻译、选择性解读和最终的升华。融汇老子与其契合的思想到托尔斯泰主义中,并在其中实现了对“道”“无为”的动态阐述。托尔斯泰在东西方思想文化中的兼收并蓄、为我所用的方式,使得其作品凝聚了东方文化和俄罗斯文化精神的多元思想。



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