首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >“大众诗人”柯仲平--浅析柯仲平诗文大众化民族化特色研究的重要性




Although the famous"popular poet"Ke Zhongping had a small number of poems, he had started to devote himself into the practice of popularized and nationalized poems since his youth period, especially during the Yan'an period, his poems and the poem activities and mass opera troupes led by him exerted a wide-ranging influence, and they were highly praised by the people, including Comrade Mao Zedong. But in modern and con-temporary literature history, researches on him are still insuffi-cient, especially on the aspect of the popularization and national-ization of literature and art, the emphasis on him and the recogni-tion of his devotion are still not enough. Through summarizing re-searches on him in the academic circles in the past years, this paper attempts to point out the shortcomings of the researches and the direction for us to strive to, hoping that more literature enthusiasts and literature and art specialists can inherit the exalt-ed style of Mr. Ke, and continue the popularization and national-ization of literature and art.%著名的“大众诗人”柯仲平虽然诗文创作数量不多,但他从青年时期开始就致力于诗歌大众化民族化道路的实践,尤其是延安时期,他的诗歌以及他所组织领导的诗歌运动和民众剧团产生了非常广泛的影响,受到了广大民众包括毛泽东同志的高度赞扬。但在现当代文学史上,学术界对他的研究还很不够,尤其在文艺大众化民族化方面,对他的重视不够,对他的贡献认识不足。本文力图通过梳理历年来学术界对他的研究,指出研究的不足和努力的方向,希望更多的文学爱好者和文学艺术家,能秉承柯老遗风,继续吹响文艺大众化民族化的号角。



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