首页> 中文期刊> 《科教文汇》 >谈在职进修教师跨文化交际能力的培养




Teachers often feel unsure about English language teaching in intercultural dimension because they think the cours-es they took before are language knowledge oriented. Even though they hear about language-culture teaching theory and practice in the classroom, they are lack of confidence in trying to introduce a cultural dimension. The purpose of the article is to discuss how to integrate the theory of English teaching in inter-cultural dimension with its practical application in the classroom and to what extent the in-service teacher training course de-signed for English teachers can contribute to promoting their ac-quisition of intercultural commu nicative competence. The inno-vation requires changes in teachers' self-concept, professional qualifications,attitudes and skills towards English learning and teaching. Some activities for the course are presented and some ideas may serve suggesting approaches to teachers' training.%传统理念的教师培训主要以语言知识和语言技能培训为主,语言-文化教学模式在教师培训中还属新的尝试。本文介绍了如何将语言-文化教学理论应用到语言课堂教学中,通过新的培训课程设计及实施,提高在职进修教师的文化意识和跨文化交际能力,力图转变他们的教学理念,提高他们的专业素质及课堂教学技能,使他们真正适应新的英语课程标准的教学要求。笔者设计了以语言-文化为教学模式的7个培训活动供同行们参考。



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