首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >抓本质找方法--对中考规律探究题的思考




The rule-inquiry problem in junior mathematics re-quires students to find out the rule of a research object. Common forms of such problems are a string of numbers, several equa-tions, several images, etc., which require students to obtain the required results through the research of various mathematical changes such as comparison, analysis, deformation, summariza-tion, conclusion, deduction, judgment, etc. It is pointed out in the new curriculum standard for junior mathematics that students should possess the skill of"exploring the numerical relationship and rules of change of concrete problems". Rule-inquiry prob-lems can cultivate junior high school students' innovative abilities and provide them with certain basic skills for future learning of number sequence, through the training of students' analysis, comparison, conception and speculation. Therefore, such types of problems may often appear in senior high school entrance exami-nation. Combined with the original senior high school examina-tions involving the content in recent years, this paper analyzed common solutions.%初中数学中的探索规律问题是指发现研究对象含有一定的规律。常见的这一类问题的形式是:题目罗列出一串数、几个等式、若干个图形等等,要求通过学生的对比、分析、变形、总结、归纳、推演、判定等种种数学变化研究,最后获得所需的结果。初中数学新课标中指出:初中学生应当拥有“探索具体问题中的数量关系和变化规律”的技能。探究找规律的问题,初中生经过分析、对比、设想、猜测的锻炼,可以培养探究创新方面能力,也为今后学习数列等知识奠定一定的基本技能。因此,这一类问题,往往会出现在各级各类的中考试题中。以下结合近几年涉及这一内容的中考原题,剖析常见的解法。



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