首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >老子的“道”与赫拉克利特的“逻各斯”之比较




老子是中国春秋时期的哲学家、思想家、道家学派创始人、道教鼻祖,生于约公元前571年,他对世界的本原做出了探讨。老子认为世界万物是按照道来运行,这个道无处不在,无所不能,它既生养万物却又令人不易察觉,是万事万物运行的特定方式。赫拉克利特生于约公元前540年,是与老子同时期的古希腊思想家。关于世界的始基、本原,赫拉克利特相信世界是按照“逻各斯”运行的。他认为万物处于流动状态之中,但是变化是根据一种不变的规律发生的,并且这种规律包含了对立面的相互作用,但是这种对立面的相互作用,作为一个整体创造出了和谐。对中国古代的老子与古希腊的赫拉克利特的思想上的横向对比,意义在于做到更加客观、历史地理解什么是“道”与“逻各斯”,继而了解两千多年前,不同的国度,不同的哲学家,探讨的同一个话题---宇宙的生成与运行的形而上的命题。以及这一命题对人类认识世界产生的积极影响。%Laozi,born in about 571 BC during the Spring and Autumn Period of China,was a philosopher and ideologist who founded the Taoist school and has made explorations on the origin of the world.Laozi held that everything in the world runs according to tao which is everywhere and omnipotent,as it is the specific way for the running of everything,generating every-thing whilst being unnoticeable.Heraclitus,born in about 540 BC,was an ancient Greek ideologist of Laozi's period.On the very foundation and origin of the world,Heraclitus believed that the world runs according to "Logos".He held that everything is in a flowing state,but changes occur according to a kind of in-variable law,including the interaction of opposites,which creates harmony as a whole part.The significance of the horizontal comparison between the ideologies of Laozi in ancient China and Heraclitus in ancient Greek is to get a more objective and historical understanding of what is "Tao" and what is "Logos", so as to understand the same topic explored by different ideolo-gists from different countries over two thousand years ago-the metaphysical proposition on the generation and movement of the universe,as well as the positive significance of this proposi-tion on the human understanding of the world.



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