首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >我国法学职业教育的发展动向--以基层法律服务人才培养为视角




With the popularity of the current legal education, the legal quality of the broad masses of the people on the whole is improved, but based on the particularity of China's national con-ditions, it is an urgent need to provide legal services for grassroots people. In order to adapt to the requirements, we should change the current vocational education mode of law, increasing to culti-vate the talent of grassroots legal services. To design professional training mode for this kind of grassroots legal services personnel, we should not only need to pay attention to cultivating students' legal quality, but also need to focus on training students' profes-sional competence in the process of legal professional teaching system.%当前随着我国法律教育的普及,广大人民的法律素质虽然从整体上得到了提高,但是基于我国国情的特殊性,迫切需要面向基层提供法律服务方面的人才。为了适应这种需求,需对现行的法学职业教育模式进行变革,增加对基层法律服务人才方面的培养。对于这类基层法律服务专业人才培养模式的设计,不仅需要注重培养学生的法律素养,而且也需在法学专业的教学体系和教学过程中着力培养学生的职业能力。



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