首页> 中文期刊>实验室研究与探索 >国外现代工程教育中的“职业化”趋势探讨




在探讨了新时代工程技术人员所必须具有的能力和素质的基础上,对国外现代工程教育的改革思路、实施方法以及成效分析等进行了较详细的叙述.国外的现代工程教育与自身的国情、高等教育战略和社会发展紧密联系,对本国的人才培养与科技发展起到了重要的作用,“职业化”趋势是其共同的特征.它山之石可以攻玉,我们可以借鉴国外现代工程教育成功经验,尽快制定与实施我国高等工程教育的战略目标.%This paper discussed that modern engineering and technical personnel must have the capacity and quality. Based on it, the paper described the foreign modern engineering education reform ideas, as well as the effectiveness of the implementation methods. The modern engineering education abroad has close contact with their own national conditions, higher education and social development strategies,Occupationalization trend is their common characteristic. It has played an important role in the national personnel training and technological development. We can learn from successful experiences of foreign countries in modern engineering education, and form and implement China' s higher engineering education strategic objectives as soon as possible.



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