首页> 中文期刊>中国文学研究 >'自然'与'意境':中国文学研究现代化的早期思路——以王国维《宋元戏曲史》为例



Wang guowei propounded "Nature Theory" and "Artistic Conception Theory", not only broke away from the traditional prejudice of "Writings for Conveying Truth", but also constructed the standard judging of literary and artistic works' value. By the two ways of "break" and "construction" means was a symbolized event that the research of Chinese opera in the modern sense could be developed. Wang guowei overturned the traditional standard that the research of Chinese opera couldn't be done by the truly great man. The research of Chinese modern opera could be "a particular study", Wang guowei was really a pioneer. with monumental contributions.%王国维提出"自然"说和"意境"说,破除了"文以载道"的传统迷思,并建立了文艺作品价值的评判标准,这种"破"与"立"双管齐下的做法是现代意义上的戏曲研究得以展开的标志性事件;王国维以自己的实际行动,颠覆了戏曲研究"壮夫不为"的传统标准,对中国现代戏曲研究得以成为"专门之学",实有筚路蓝缕之功.



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