首页> 中文期刊> 《天文学进展》 >SDSS J125438.25+114105.8的光学微光变观测

SDSS J125438.25+114105.8的光学微光变观测



SDSS J125438.25+114105.8 is a newly identified radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, a recently discovered new class of active galactic nuclei, which was suggested to have rel-ativistic jets aligned to the line of sight based on recent observations. We searched for optical microvariability in SDSS J125438.25+114105.8 in four nearly successive observing nights, with the LiJiang 2.4-m telescope of Yunnan Observatory. Rapid variations of the optical emission were detected on timescales as short as a few hours, with the maximum amplitude reaching nearly 0.1 mag. This is the second reported case of optical microvariability detected in radio-loud NLS1 galaxies. Our result indicates that its observed optical light is significantly contributed by non-thermal emission, most likely from relativistic jets, suggested by the study of multiwavelength properties as well as the most recent y-ray observations made with the Fermi satellite.%利用云南天文台丽江2.4m望远镜对一个新发现的射电噪窄线赛弗特1(RL-NLS1)活动星系核SDSS J125438.25+114105.8进行了光学波段的短时标监测,观测结果表明,SDSSJ125438.25+114105.8存在光学微光变,典型的光变幅度为0.05 ~0.1 mag,光变时标仅为h的量级.这个天体是到目前为止极少数几个探测到光学微光变的RL-NLS1之一,推断出它的光学光度至少有一部分是来自相对论性喷流的贡献,支持了对RL-NLS1活动星系核的多波段研究结果[1]以及最近Fermi卫星的高能γ射线辐射的探测结果.



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