首页> 中文期刊>渔业科学进展 >山东沿海部分地区真鲷虹彩病毒病初步调查与分析




During Nov. 2008~Nov. 2010, 20 batches of turbot Scophthalmus maximus , stone flounder Kareius bicoloratus , and perch Perca fluviatilis were respectively collected from some coastal areas of Shandong Province, and the infection of red sea bream iridoviral disease (RSIVD) was investigated using PCR method recommended by the World Organization for Animal Health. The result showed that the RSIVD was detected in four samples. Based on the major capsid protein (MCP) gene of the two standard strains of red sea bream iridovirus and infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus, degenerate primers were designed for PCR, and the MCP gene in the four positive samples were amplified and submitted to GenBank. The phyloge-netic tree was drawn, and it was found that all of four isolated virus strains belonged to Megalo-cytivirus genus of Iridoviridae.%2008年11月~2010年11月,采集山东海域大菱鲆、石鲽、鲈鱼各20批,按照世界动物卫生组织推荐的PCR检测方法对真鲷虹彩病毒病(Red Sea Bream Iridoviral Disease,RSIVD)进行初步调查.结果显示,共检出4例RSIVD感染样品.以真鲷虹彩病毒(Red Sea Bream Iridovirus,RSIV)和传染性脾肾坏死病毒(Infectious Spleen and Kidney Necrosis Virus,ISKNV)主要衣壳蛋白基因为基础,设计简并引物,PCR扩增本次检出阳性样品的RSIV/ISKNV MCP基因.将MCP基因PCR扩增产物测序,提交GenBank,并以MCP基因为基础,对被检出的阳性样品进行虹彩病毒属系统分类,绘制进化树.由进化树得出,4例阳性病毒株均属于虹彩病毒科细胞肿大病毒属.



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