首页> 中文期刊>外国中小学教育 >芬兰小学教师全纳教育课程审视--以于韦斯屈莱大学的小学教师教育为例




芬兰的全纳教育取得了举世公认的成就,其原因之一就是重视全纳教育教师的培养。本世纪来,芬兰对小学教师全纳教育课程进行了一系列改革。其中,于韦斯屈莱大学(Univsersity of Jyvaskyla)的改革最具代表性,课程设置上秉持“能力本位”、“研究本位”、“学生中心”的三大基本理念,采用支架式方法组织课程内容,课程实施上采用“合作型”模式。但有三个问题值得注意:一是课程的一致性与知识的深度问题;二是规定性课程与开放性课程的平衡问题;三是如何将全纳教育的理念有效融入所有学科的问题。%The inclusive education in Finland made acknowledged achievement, one of the reasons was that they paid attention to the training of inclusive education teachers. In this century, Finland had carried out a series of reforms on inclusive education curriculum of primary school teachers. Among them, the reform in University of Jyväskylä was the most representative. The three basic ideas were Ability Standard, Research Standard, and Student center. Used the structuring method to organize the curriculum content and the cooperative mode to implement. However, there were three problems worthy of attention:a) the consistency of the course and the depth of knowledge;b) the balance between prescribed course and open course;c) how to put the ideas of inclusive education into all subjects effectively.



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