首页> 中文期刊>实用医院临床杂志 >应用改良版英国医学研究委员会呼吸问卷、自我评估测试问卷和临床问卷评估慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者健康状况的比较研究




Objective To compare the applications of Modified Version of the British Medical Research Council Respiratory Questionnaire(mMRC),Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Self-assessment Questionnaire Test(CAT) and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Clinical Questionnaire( CCQ) in assessment of the health status of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-ease(COPD).Methods Sixty patients with COPD were tested with mMRC,CAT and CCQ questionnaire,respectively.The total scores,the time taken to complete the questionnaires and whether they needed the help of medical staff during the investigation were re-corded and their relationships were analyzed.Results Spearman correlation analysis showed that the three kinds of questionnaire was positively correlated each other(rs=0.65 for CAT and mMRC,rs=0.59 for CCQ and mMRC and rs=0.69 for CAT and CCQ,all P<0.01) .The average time of filling out the mMRC was 102 +56 seconds,CAT was 187+64 seconds and CCQ was 234 +105 sec-onds.There were 42.6%,53.9%and 68.5%of patients needed the help of medical staff to fill the mMRC,CAT and CCQ question-naires,respectively.Conclusion The questionnaires of mMRC,CAT and CCQ are well correlated each other which can reflect the health and quality of life of patients with COPD reliably,efficiently and sensitively.%目的:比较改良版英国医学研究委员会呼吸问卷( mMRC)、自我评估测试问卷( CAT)和慢性阻塞性肺疾病( COPD)临床问卷( CCQ)三种量表评估COPD患者的健康状况以及相互关系。方法60例COPD 患者分别应用三种量表进行调查,评估问卷得分,记录填写问卷所需时间及完成问卷是否需要医务人员帮助,并对三种量表评分进行相关性分析。结果三种问卷相互之间呈正相关(CAT与mMRC之间rs=0.65;CCQ与mMRC之间rs=0.59;CAT与CCQ之间rs=0.69,均P<0.01);患者完成问卷时间,mMRC为(102±56)秒,CAT 为(187±64)秒,CCQ 为(234±105)秒;mMRC、CAT和CCQ分别有42.6%、53.9%、68.5%的患者需要医务人员协助完成问卷。结论 mMRC、CAT和CCQ之间有良好相关性,能可靠、有效和敏感地反映COPD患者健康状况与生活质量。



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