首页> 中文期刊> 《电力系统保护与控制》 >基于效果与基础互动的电网智能化水平综合评价指标体系研究




为科学评价我国电网智能化水平,提出电网智能化水平综合评价指标体系。指标体系分为建设效果与建设基础两部分。基于效果与基础间引领与推动的作用,将基础指标与效果指标对应,形成关联关系。为体现指标体系效果与基础互动的特点,并提高评价结果的科学性,初步提出针对所提出指标体系的评价流程与方法,综合运用了层次分析法、熵权法、灰色关联分析法等评价方法。通过案例实证,验证了指标体系的科学性和有效性。可实现电网智能化建设效果与建设基础关联度的量化测算,有助于发现薄弱环节,引导电网智能化建设方向。%To evaluate the intelligence level of grid in our country scientifically, an evaluation index system of grid’s intelligence level is presented. There are two parts of the index system, i.e. construction effect and construction basis. Based on the promotion and the guidance between effect and basis, an interaction is created by matching basis and effect indexes. To embody the interaction and to enhance the accuracy of consequence, a tentative evaluation procedure and method specific to the above index system is proposed, in which the analytic hierarchy process, entropy method and grey correlation analysis are used. Results of applying the proposed method in practical case show scientificalness and effectiveness of the proposed index system. The correlation degree between effect and basis can be calculated. It’s conducive to the discovery of weaknesses, and construction direction of grid’s intelligence can be brought.



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