首页> 中文期刊>太平洋学报 >论后冷战时代中美海权矛盾中的南海问题




After the Cold War,China’s geopolitical situation experiences enormous and far-reaching changes. Due to the changes of security,economic and other factors,China pursues the status of sea power and gradually but firmly began to show its sea power potential.The South China Sea,as the largest sea surrounding China,is the key area to China’s development of sea power.In order to maintain its hegemonic,geo-strategic,and mili-tary interests,the United States strengthens its constraints on the development of China’s sea power in the South China Sea.China should adopt countermeasures to stop American containment as the region of the South China Sea is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically.Ultimately,the conflict between Chinese and US sea powers in the South China Sea is between the hegemon’s control and emerging powers carry-ing out countermeasures.%冷战结束后,中国的地缘政治形势发生了巨大而影响深远的变化。由于安全、经济以及其他因素的变化,作为世界上最大的陆海复合型国家的中国开始缓慢而坚定地释放其海权潜力,并将建设海洋强国作为其战略目标。作为中国周边四大海域中面积最为辽阔的南海是中国发展海权的重点区域。区域外大国美国出于霸权护持、地缘战略以及军事等各方面的考虑,在南海问题上加强了对中国发展海权的制约。鉴于南海的战略地位非常重要且其重要性与日俱增,其资源、航运价值以及军事价值对中国的发展不可或缺,中国必须对此进行反制。中美南海海权矛盾从根本上来说是霸权国进行控制与新兴大国进行反制之间的矛盾。



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