首页> 中文期刊>核聚变与等离子体物理 >EAST六自由度内窥机械臂的逆运动学算法研究




A universal inverse kinematics algorithm which aim is for EAST in-vessel viewing manipulators with coupled articulated structure has been proposed to realize its real-time and high accuracy control. This is to build manipulator kinematics multivariable equations, which can be expressed as a univariate matrix polynomial and solved through getting the eigenvalues of the matrix determinant eventually. Moreover, in order to meet the requirement of programming and actual control of manipulator, positive and inverse kinematics was validated by software developed based on MFC of VC++6.0. The solved instance indicated that the proposed algorithm can obtain all of the inverse kinematics solutions of the manipulators in ms level.%为了实现 EAST装置真空室内的内窥多关节机械臂的实时高精度控制,提出了一种逆运动学算法,即建立机械臂多变量的方程组,转化成为矩阵的特征值问题求解。为了验证和满足实际控制的需要,还基于VC++6.0开发了 MFC 运动学算法程序。结果表明,该算法能在 ms 级别内得到机械臂的所有运动学逆解。



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