首页> 中文期刊>噪声与振动控制 >秸秆复合墙体隔声性能计算机模拟及试验研究




The sound insulating performance of composite straw walls and double layer walls with light weight steel frame structure are studied by computer simulation and experiments. The results show that the 105mm thick composite straw wall has a good sound insulating performance, its sound transmission loss can reach 36 dB and satisfy the building insulating standard. The sound transmission loss of the double layer straw wall with the light weight steel frame can reach 49 dB, it also has a good sound insulating performance. This work has some reference significance in the point of view of using straw resource as building materials.%采用计算机模拟和试验对比的方法,对多层复合的秸秆复合墙板和结合轻钢龙骨结构的双层墙体的隔声性能进行了研究.结果显示,105 mm厚多层复合的秸秆复合墙板隔声达到36 dB,达到建筑内隔墙的隔声性能要求.采用轻钢龙骨作为支撑结构,并两面贴附秸秆复合板的双层墙体隔声性能达到49 dB,具有较好的隔声性能,为充分利用秸秆资源,形成轻钢龙骨结构的装配式建筑具有参考意义.



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