首页> 中文期刊> 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 >基于物联网的车间制造系统实时信息提取与控制∗




The increasingly fierce competitive environment and rapid development of information technology have promoted the development of digital manufacturing system of enterprises, this paper proposed a kind of real-time information extraction and control method which based on the manufacturing execution system. In this paper we introduces the function of Netwok DNC Module, Management Module, Monitoring Module and Statistical Analysis Module which make up the whole system, expounds the working principle of each module in detail, and compares it with other existing systems systematically. This system which based on the internet of things takes advantages of the"digital factory" and MES, and improves the transparency and control in the production process greatly.%激烈的竞争环境以及信息技术的迅速发展促进了企业车间数字化制造系统的不断升级,文章提出了一种基于车间制造执行系统实时信息提取与控制方法。主要包括网络DNC模块,管理模块,监控模块和统计分析模块的功能,详细地阐述了各个模块的工作原理,并将它与现有的其他系统做了比较说明。该系统以物联网技术为基础综合了“数字化工厂”与MES系统的优点,极大地提高了产品生产过程中的透明性和可控性。



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