首页> 中文期刊>现代教育科学(高教研究) >马修斯儿童哲学的反思与启示




美国当代哲学家马修斯是儿童哲学的开创者及先锋人物,与“儿童哲学之父”李普曼齐名,著有儿童哲学三部曲。他认为运用哲学是人类与生俱来的能力,强调儿童有自己的哲学,应平等待之。我们通过对马修斯儿童哲学的研究,可以看出马修斯之所以关注儿童哲学是因为他发现儿童与哲学有天然联系,儿童有其自己的哲学。马修斯通过与儿童对话来“做”哲学,认为“群体探究”是对话的过程,思考故事是对话的媒介,意义发现是对话的目的。马修斯儿童哲学对我国当代教育改革有如下几点启示:要尊重和爱护儿童爱智慧的天性;努力促进儿童哲学的学科建设及推广教育的繁荣发展;儿童哲学教育是在方法论上对“钱学森之问”与“顾明远之问”的一种解答。%As the founder and pioneer of philosophy for children, Mathews is the contemporary American phi-losopher with “the father of philosophy for children” Lippmann, His works have philosophy for children trilo-gy, he thinks that the use of philosophy is the inherent human ability, and emphasizes that children have their own philosophy so that we should wait for the flat. Through the study of the Mathews' philosophy for children, we find that Mathews' philosophy pay attention to children, because he finds that a natural relationship exists between children and philosophy, every child has their own philosophy. So Mathews research philosophy through dialogue with the children: “group inquiry” is the process of dialogue, thinking story is the medium of dialogue, and meaning discovery is the purpose of dialogue. Several enlightenments for contemporary educa-tion reform in our country are summed up based on the study that we should respect and care for the children’s naturel of “loving the wisdom”; we should promote the discipline construction of children’s philosophy and promote the prosperity of education. philosophy education for children is a solution in the methodology of the“Qian Xuesen question ” and the “Gu Mingyuan question ”.



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