首页> 中文期刊>现代教育管理 >高校教师工作压力现状调查及其管理对策--基于河北省高校教师样本的研究




在不同层次高等院校和教师中,运用32个测量项目对工作压力源和压力反应进行的问卷调查显示,5个工作压力源维度和3个压力反应维度以及32个测量项目的高校教师工作压力问卷通过实证检验,具有较高的信度与效度,为大学教师工作压力现状的研究提供了有效的测量工具。比较不同人口统计学变量教师的工作压力感与压力反应程度,发现在压力源与压力反应全部或部分维度上具有显著差异,这对高校教师差别化压力管理以及教师关注自身的身心健康都具有借鉴意义。%We used 32 measurements on the job stressor and stress response survey questionnaire at different levels of universities and teachers.It’s testified that measurements and the five-dimensional structure of job stressor and three-dimensional structure of stress reaction .All these works confirmed that the questionnaire on the job stressor constructed in this paper was with qualified validity and reliability.This might be a effectivity measuring tool in the research of the university teachers ’ job stress situation. By comparison of different gender , age,educational level, professional title,school dimensions of university teachers,stress perception and stress reaction were significantly different in all dimentions or partially.Basing on the conclusion done in this paper so far,some suggestions are proposed so that the universities have differentiated stress management and the teachers pay attention to their own physical and mental health reference.



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