首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Pharmacology >Technostress Among University Teachers in Higher Education: A Study Using Multidimensional Person-Environment Misfit Theory

Technostress Among University Teachers in Higher Education: A Study Using Multidimensional Person-Environment Misfit Theory




To investigate the phenomenon of technostress among university teachers in higher education, a multidimensional person-environment misfit framework of technostress was proposed and validated by 343 teachers from universities in China. The findings indicate that person-organization (P-O) misfit, person-technology (P-T) misfit, and person-people (P-P) misfit largely captured how university teachers interact with multiple dimensions of the higher education environment in an imbalanced way that causes technostress. P-O misfit predicted P-T misfit and P-P misfit. Relationships between multidimensional technostress and job performance were investigated. It was found that university requirements related to the use of ICT and the suitability of ICT for university teachers’ work were critical factors affecting their job performance. In addition, a comparison was made among university teachers from different grade levels, revealing that university management related to ICT use tended to affect university teachers of higher-grade levels more than those of lower-grade levels in generating technostress.
机译:为了研究高校教师中的技术压力现象,提出了一个多维的人-环境错综复杂的技术压力框架,并得到了中国高校343名教师的验证。研究结果表明,人与组织(P-O)的不匹配,人与技术(P-T)的不匹配以及人与人(P-P)的不匹配很大程度上捕获了大学教师如何以不平衡的方式与高等教育环境的多个维度进行交互,从而导致技术压力。 P-O失配预测P-T失配和P-P失配。研究了多维技术压力与工作绩效之间的关系。研究发现,与使用信息通信技术有关的大学要求以及信息通信技术对大学教师工作的适用性是影响其工作绩效的关键因素。此外,对不同年级的大学教师进行了比较,发现与ICT使用相关的大学管理在产生技术压力方面对高年级教师的影响比对低年级教师的影响更大。



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