首页> 中文期刊>现代教育管理 >教育民主视野下教师专业主义的走向




Under the view of educational democracy,the legitimacy of teacher professionalism lies in that teachers perform their democratic functions.This democratic function is manifested in the critical examination of the undemocratic culture in society and cultivating students with democratic character. At present,the two kinds of teacher professionalism are not consistent with the idea of educational democracy:the mode of trade union of teacher professionalism hinders the communication with other groups because of the excessive pursuit of the interests of the teachers;the mode of management of teacher professionalism restricts teachers'autonomy and professional authority to restrict the rational development and application of teachers,both are unable to realize the democratic function of professionalism. we should go to the mode of democracy of teacher professionalism,taking care of public interests, respecting public participation,and realizing democratic function.%教育民主化视野下,教师专业主义权威的合法性在于教师履行民主功能.这一民主功能表现在对社会中的不民主文化进行批判性审视以及培养具有民主品格的人两个方面.工会式专业主义因过分追逐教师群体的利益而阻碍与其他群体的沟通;管理式专业主义因压制教师的自主权与专业权威而限制教师的理智发展与运用,两者都无法实现专业主义的民主功能.为此,应走向民主式教师专业主义:关照公众的利益;尊重公众的参与;实现民主功能.



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