首页> 中文期刊> 《现代临床护理 》 >企业员工急救知识培训情况和需求的调查分析




Objective To investigate the training and the need of employees for first aid knowledge. Method 1 532 employees from six companies involved in our survey with our self-designed questionnaire of first aid knowledge training and needs. Results 38.05 % of them acquired first aid knowledge from the sources of newspapers and books. 78.13%of them received no training on the first aid knowledge and 82.25% of them considered it was necessary to take the training of first-aid knowledge. 92.56% needed the common knowledge of first aid from the training. As for the ways of training, 28.66% and 41.05% of them chose simulation exercises and lectures respectively. Conclusions The employees from the companies lack of training in first aid knowledge and skills. It is important to provide them with training of first aid knowledge and skills.%目的 了解企业员工急救知识培训情况和需求.方法 采用自行设计的急救知识培训情况及需求的调查问卷,对1532名企业员工进行问卷调查.结果 1532名企业员工中,38.05%急救知识来源主要从报刊、书上获得,78.13%完全没有接受过任何的急救知识培训,82.25%以上希望和认为有必要接受急救知识培训,92.56%对急救培训内容的需求是一般急救常识,28.66%和41.05%最期望的急救培训方式是急救知识讲座和模拟演练.结论 企业员工急救知识和技能的培训极度缺乏.积极推进企业员工急救知识和技能培训对提高公民自救或互救能力具有重要意义.



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