首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >基于网络评论的上海市医院患者满意度分析




目的::了解网民对各级医院的不满意评论,提高患者满意度。方法:收集大众点评网上网民对各级各类医院的评论,归纳分析影响患者满意度的因素。结果:网民对三级医院的不满集中体现在就医环境与服务质量方面,所占比例分别为24.3%、22.0%。对二级综合性医院医疗水平、服务质量方面的不满相对较多,分别占27.8%、19.8%。对一级医院的评论较少,主要侧重于预防保健方面。结论:应加快推动公立医院改革,缓解看病难问题,提高患者满意度。%Objective:In order to provide scientific basis for improving patient satisfaction, it is necessary to understand the net citizens' dis-satisfaction with different kinds of hospitals. Methods:Comments and criticisms on different hospitals were collected on the website, which are summarized to find the factors affecting patient satisfaction. Results:The net citizens' dissatisfaction with the third-grade class hospital embodies in two aspects, medical environment (24. 3%) and health service quality (22. 0%). As to the second-grade class hospital, more criticism is centered on medical technology (27. 8%) and health service quality (19. 8%). However, comments on the first-grade class hospital are less, which mainly focuses on preventive care. Conclusion:Reform of public hospitals should be pushed forward to solve the problem of seeing a doctor to improve patient satisfaction.



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