首页> 中文期刊>医学与社会 >影响新疆乡镇卫生院公共卫生服务能力提升因素的定性调查




Objective: To provide specific suggestions for government by summarizing and analyzing the difficulties in public health service ability improving in township hospitals of Xinjiang.Methods:We collected the work summary and suggestions for the training written by chairmen of 66 township hospitals in Xinjiang form 2011 to 2013, interviewed part of chairmen of township hospi-tals, sorted data by content induction, analyzed data by main framework analysis method, screened key, important and general fac-tors by pareto diagram.Results: The primary and secondary impeding elements of public health service ability improving in town-ship hospitals: human resource is the key factor , financial element is the important factor , equipment and policy are the general factors.The primary and secondary elements for public health service ability improving in township hospitals: human resource and financial elements are the key factors, basic instruction is the important factor, policy and traffic elements are general factors.Con-clusion: The government should strengthen leading, plan human resource strategy scientifically and reasonably, speed up talents powerful strategy, implement the health care talent training, improve the medical human resource system and innovation, deepen the reform, keep personnel stability, increase the investment for the primary medical unit to ensure the public health funds distribu-tion in time and reasonably.%目的:归纳并分析新疆乡镇卫生院公共卫生服务能力提升中遇到的困难,为政府提出具有针对性的建议.方法:收集新疆66所乡镇卫生院2011-2013年年度工作总结及调研现场乡镇卫生院院长撰写的意见和建议;对部分乡镇卫生院院长进行深入访谈.利用内容归类法整理资料,主体框架分析法归类分析,运用排列图筛选关键因素、重要因素和一般因素.结果:人力资源因素是阻碍乡镇卫生院公共卫生服务能力提升的关键因素,资金因素是重要因素,设备因素和政策因素是一般因素.建议乡镇卫生院公共卫生服务能力提升因素中,人力资源和资金是关键因素,基础设施建设是重要因素,政策和交通是一般因素.结论:政府应加强领导,科学、合理地制定人力资源规划,加快实施人才强卫战略,加强公共卫生人才队伍建设,大力推进医药卫生人才制度完善和机制创新,深化人事改革,增强人员的稳定性.增加对基层卫生单位财政的投入,确保公卫经费及时到位,并因地制宜地确定公共卫生项目经费比例.



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