首页> 中文期刊>机械与电子 >基于ADAMS和ANSYS的某炸弹架锁制机构仿真分析




This paper introduces ananalysis method which is applicable to the detent mechanis-mof some bomb rack.First,we establish a virtual prototype model.By using ADAMS software,we simulatethe kinematic and dynamic process of the bomb,and getthe load curves of the various parts ofthe bomb.The maximum load as hazardous working conditionis imported into ANSYS.Analy-sis of the stress in the finite element models is car-ried out,which make the stress analysis of the de-tent mechanismconform to the actual working con-dition.We take the key part of the detent mecha-nism(hook lock)as an example to introduce the analytical procedure based on this method.The simulation results providecomputational analysis-basis for further optimization design of the detent mechanism.%介绍了一种适用于某炸弹架锁制机构的仿真分析方法。首先建立虚拟样机模型,运用 AD-AMS软件进行炸弹投放过程运动学和动力学仿真,得到各零件的载荷曲线。将最大载荷作为危险工况导入ANSYS中进行有限元应力分析,使得锁制机构的应力分析更符合实际工况。基于该方法以锁制机构的关键零件锁制钩为例简述了分析步骤,其仿真结果为锁制机构的进一步改进优化设计提供了计算分析依据。



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