首页> 中文期刊> 《机械制造与自动化》 >轻量化高速过障高压巡线除冰机器人研制




ln order to solve the problem of thick and solid icing on the power transmission lines in the cold zone, a strong and effi-cient deicing robot is developed. The robot is lightweight, high-speed, obstacle negotiating and fit to work along the high voltage power transmission lines in the cold zone. Adopting mil ing and pressing, the robot can deice efficiently. With the flexible lateral wheel driving device, the robot can operate stably and cross obstacles at high speed. By dynamic analysis, the structure of the robot is op-timized, and is lightweight. ln this paper, the working principles, mechanical structure, power system and control system are dis-cussed. The operation of the prototype verified the design.%针对严寒地带输电线路覆冰厚实的情况,以强力高效除冰、高速过障和轻量化为目标,研制一种适合严寒地带高压输电线除冰机器人。该机器人采用铣削和压除组合方式实现强力、高效除冰,设计柔性侧向轮驱动装置实现机器人稳定运行和高速过障,通过对除冰机器人进行动力学分析实现结构优化和轻量化。并论述该除冰机器人的工作原理、机械结构、动力系统和控制系统,样机运行结果验证了设计的正确性。



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