首页> 中文期刊> 《物流科技》 >基于模块化设计的高职运输管理实训教学




运输管理实训教学是高职院校物流管理专业重要的实践教学环节,是培养学生技术能力、综合素质的关键。文章针对目前高职院校物流管理专业的特点,构建合理的模块化运输管理课程体系,建立与学生就业岗位相衔接的运输管理实训内容,应用恰当的教学方法,将模块化的运输管理课程实训内容编制成教学任务,通过项目小组形式完成模块化的设计体系,最终以考评体系检验实训效果,从而激发学生学习的兴趣,提升实践操作能力。%Transportation management practice teaching of lo-gistics management major in higher vocational colleges is an important link of practice teaching, is the key to cultivate students' comprehensive quality, technical ability, aiming at the characteristics of logistics management specialty in higher vocational colleges, the modular construction and transportation management course system is reasonable, establishment of transport management training content link up with the student employment, application of the teaching method properly, the modular transport management training courses and compiled into the task of teaching, by the project team to complete the form design system is modular, and ultimately to the training effect evaluation system of inspection, so as to stimulate stu-dents interest in learning, enhance practical ability.



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