首页> 中文期刊>华文文学 >日本汉文小说《大东世语》的汉风呈现




《大东世语》是日本汉文小说的代表作品,主要辑录了平安、镰仓两朝的人物轶事,天皇是其人物形象系列中描写较多的一组群像。通过这组群像,作者突出展现了日本平安时代汉风盛行的图景,他们崇尚汉学、热衷汉诗文创作以及与中国有关的各种艺术形式及文化。这一风气也直接影响到了朝廷的人才选拔和任用。作者在描写中,少有涉及日本在政治、宗教等领域向中国学习并取得巨大成就的方面。究其原因,既与作者设定的“情协令旨”、“言中韶音”的审美标准有关,也与日本进入平安朝后期,天皇多成傀儡,除了醉心文艺,没有更多可以施展能力的舞台有关。%Daito Seigo, a representative of Chinese-language works in Japan, is chiefly a collection of the anecdotes of personalities in the Heian Period and the Kamakura Period, among which Tennōs was much portrayed. Through the images of Tennōs, the author gives a picture of how chinoiserie thrived in the Heian Pe riod as they admired Sinology and were passionate about writing Chinese essays or poetry as well as interested in a variety of artistic forms and culture related to China. This practice directly affected the promotion and appointment of talented people by the imperial court. The author, in his description, hardly ever deals with aspects where Japan learned from China in areas like politics and religion, making great achievements, because it’s not only related to the author’s aesthetic standards regarding“decrees according with emotions”and“beautiful sound expressed in speech”but also to the fact that, after Japan entered the late Heian Period, most of the Tennōs turned into puppets interested in nothing but the arts without a stage where to exhibit their abilities.



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