首页> 中文期刊> 《法制与社会发展》 >中国法学的话语流变考略




改革开放以来,中国法学超越了法律斗争论、工具论和政策论的话语体系,表现出从“革命到改革”、从“左右之争”到“古今中西之争”的演进轨迹。从“公民在法律面前人人平等”、“要法治,不要人治”、“法是阶级性与社会性的统一”、“法要以权利为本位”、“法学需要质变式改革”到法律文化论、法律移植论、本土资源论,三十年话语流变史艰难曲折地从法学之外走向法学之内,最终确立了法治国家话语主导权。在学术理路、发展内涵和思想渊源上,中国法学的话语流变从外在分裂走向内在统一;从“批斗封建文化”到“文化热”,走向“以文化作为方法”;从“排斥西方”到“接纳西方”,走向“反思西方”,其中也透射出中国法学乃至国家法治走向成熟的希望。%Since the opening and reforms, the academias in models such as legal struggle, tool and political theory, which Chinese jurisprudence surpassed the discourse coulcl be traced from the "revolution - to - re- form" and the disputes between "left - right" and "ancient - modern and orient - occident". The thirty - years discourse transition history shows the direction from the outside to the inside of Chinese jurisprudence which labeled by the following slogans: "everyone is born to equal before the law" , "no rule of man but rule of law", "law has the characteristice to unify classes and society" , "the right -based law" , "the core chan- ges in jurisprudence" and the theories of legal cultures, legal transplants and local resources that established the mainstream of discourse of state rule of law finally. And such transformations that outsider disputes to the insider common senses, the "critiques of old cultures" to the fashion of "cultures" and cultures as methods, the elimination to acceptance and pondering about the "western", which reveals the hopes to the mature stage of Chinese jurisprudence and the rule of law in this country.



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